Science and Religion - Reconciling the ConflictsFree Digital Download

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Science and Religion: Reconciling the Conflicts was officially released on 10/22/13 and, although my publisher has gone out of business drying up distribution channels, I still have copies, and books are still available from:; eBay;

In the book, I take a rather literal approach to the scriptures, supposing that they generally say what they mean and mean what they say.

While there is no conflict between real truth from one source and real truth from another, there are plenty of conflicts between Science and Religion. What’s wrong? Why do scientists generally reject, ignore, or relegate the accounts of the Great Flood to a regional event? Why do so many people attribute their loss of faith to science, particularly evolution?

These and related questions are discussed in the book, as well as some of the problems with popular scientific theories. It also summarizes a number of lesser-known scientific theories which are more consistent with the scriptures.

The book contains a large number of quotes from incredibly interesting and informative sources.


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